Beginning Tax Lien Investing
6 April 2021 6pm on Zoom
Learn in one night how to safely buy tax liens from the state and from wholesalers
- 3.5 hours of instruction, practice, resources, and learning the tools of the trade
- Previous attendees attend and also answer questions from their experience
- Covers buying, selling, redemption, taking possession, and 8 money making $trategies
- Student favorite: Pitfalls, mistakes, and best practices to keep from being scammed
- Also covering online bidding and in-person auctions for the state of Alabama
- Free 1-week membership in the Alabama Tax Lien Association
- - Includes access to the Private Facebook group
- - Members of the group are in all phases of this business and from across the country
- Free links and info on the best tax lien investing resources and tools for Alabama
This information includes 2021 dates, changes, opportunities, and new buying processes.
Only 10 students.
Reserve your spot by emailing and you will receive a link to pay $285 by CashApp.
Paypal and credit/debit cards require extra fees so price would be $300.